New Conceptions of Scholarship for a New Generation of Faculty Members

In her article, New Conceptions of Scholarship for a New Generation of Faculty Members, Mary Deane Sorcinelli discusses the impact of the work of Ernest Boyer, Scholarship Reconsidered, and many of its implications around the issue of tenure. It is suggested that there should be more flexibility around the process and timeline, and more efforts to mentor and sponsor both aspiring faculty (graduate students) and new faculty.

In particular, there are now various colleges and universities that
“encourage the integration of different forms of scholarly work. The College is now developing a formal system for evaluating both individual and unit accomplishments……engages its faculty in both the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of community-based learning and provides models for documenting these new forms of scholarship in promotion and tenure portfolios.”

Sorcinelli, Mary Deane. “New Conceptions of Scholarship for a New Generation of Faculty Members.” New Directions For Teaching & Learning 2002, no. 90 (Summer2002 2002): 41. Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed March 22, 2017).

Boyer, Ernest L., Moser, Drew, and Ream, Todd C.. Scholarship Reconsidered : Priorities of the Professoriate (2). Hoboken, US: Jossey-Bass, 2015. Accessed March 22, 2017. ProQuest ebrary.